Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Sites of the Day

Poker Site of the Day

Today I'm featuring the most famous and most wonderful poker blog on the planet -- Guinness and Poker by Iggy. This has been one of the most influential and widely read blogs about poker ever, and I've seen Iggy referred to as the poker "blogfather". Deservedly so. Interesting long posts, lots of cool links, and good advice make Iggy's little corner of the web a cool place to be, and I recommend adding it to your list of sites to read. (He actually does really well in the search engine rankings for things like "poker blog" and "party poker", so I'm sure he has a lot more readers than I could even imagine.) Anyway, I wanna be like Iggy.

Non Poker Site of the Day

The Onion - America's Finest News Source is a site that never fails to please and delight. Today's headline about Bush's exit strategy for Iraq (we'll just go through Iran) is pure genius. Whenever I'm stressed out or need a laugh, the Onion is the place where I turn. Always funny--like Letterman on steroids online.

Ultimate Bet

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